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Death Valley
   August 9-17, 2013
Day 1, Friday August 9: Home to Huntington Beach
Fly from Massachusetts, Chicago, Ann Arbor and Michigan to Huntington Beach. Shop, organize and briefly sleep.

Our JeepsOur first summer Death Valley trip started off on schedule with Morrie and Danny leaving the house about 3:30am for a 6am non-stop flight out of Logan. We arrived in Los Angeles at an unusually early 9:10am and quickly deployed to Huntington Beach. Joey had done most of the food shopping, so by noon we were ready to purchase the remaining perishable items plus ice and gas.

Meanwhile, Bobby and Bob had slight flight delays arriving in San Diego, where they had to pick up a jeep at California Baja Rent-a-Car, so they arrived at Joey’s early afternoon. After shopping we had our evening Jacuzzi dip and went to bed around 9pm. Next